Simone Bugeja is 42, lives with her partner Paul Roper who is 51 and her daughter Jessica who is 20. Simone works in the travel business and is also the production manager of a local media programme. Paul is English and a sea captain by profession. Her daughter Jessica works in a local bank and speaks five languages.
The family live is an apartment in the centre of Gzira not far from the Gzira school. They opened their home to students for the first time in 2002 and have not looked back since. They love having an international mix of students all year round and it also helped Jessica, who was 13 at the time, have a multicultural experience in her own home.
The Bugeja family says that they feel that their commitment is not only to the students and the school but also representing Malta as a whole. They feel responsible towards the students and their families knowing that they are in a caring and happy environment whilst learning English at the same time.
They also get lots of satisfaction from the fact that they have repeat students in their home and believe that Malta is safe and ideal place to have fun whilst studying.