Ms. Carmen Gelfo is 49 years old and works in sales at a uniform company. Her partner Victor is 63 years old and a mechanic. Her daughter Pamela who is 32 years old, her husband Kevin 35 years old and their 3 children Noah 7, Zeon 4 and baby Naledi only 5 months old all live with Mrs. Carmen Gelfo and her partner. Kevin is an electrician and Pamela works in the home.
They all live in a large flat in Sliema, very close to school and the sea. They have been hosting for the past 12 years and love it because they get to know people from different countries and learn different cultures. Family Gelfo has made a lot of friends throughout these past 12 years, they also visit some of their past students when they are abroad. They also believe that it is better for their children’s upbringing to be used to different opinions, religions and way of life.
They love cooking pasta with different sauces for students so that all of them can pick their own buffet style.
The family love travelling and going to Gozo to relax when possible.