Schulklasse bloggt von ihrer Sprachreise nach Malta

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Schulklasse bloggt von ihrer Sprachreise nach Malta

Ende letzten Jahres hatten wir ein Gewinnspiel bei der Schweizer Coopzeitung. Dabei hat eine Schulklasse einen 1-wöchigen Aufenthalt auf Malta inkl. Sprachkurs mit 16 Lektionen und zahlreichen Aktivitäten gewonnen.

Vom 22.01. bis 28.01. ist die Schulklasse nun unterwegs und wird hier täglich von seinen Erlebnissen und Eindrücken berichten. Laut unseren Mitarbeitern vor Ort in der LAL Malta, sind alle Schüler und Gruppenleiter happy. Nach dem Einstufungstest findet jetzt der Unterricht statt.

Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß beim lesen.

Dear Blog-Reader
This is the beginning of our trip. Before we are going to tell you all about our experiences and adventures we want to say thank you to some people and organisations that made this language stay possible at all. First of all, we want to thank the Coopzeitung that advertised the competition we took part in. We also want to thank our sponsors LAL-Language Schools and Airmalta which are the two companies that enabled us to stay in Malta for free. Up to now, everything went smooth and we were well taken care of. Second, we do not want to forget our committed voters who helped us to win the competition. We appreciate very much that the school allowed us to go abroad during the regular school times. Therefore, we want to say many thanks to the school board of Möhlin and the headmaster of the Bezirksschule Möhlin.
Now we are looking forward to enjoying an exciting week and you can participate in our progresses in English.
Best wishes from Malta!

Our trip to Malta

We started our trip at the train station in Möhlin. We took the train to Zürich airport and waited an hour to checking. While we waited, our class 4b was hungry. So we ate something at the airport. Some students were very nervous becauce three classmates never flew befor this trip. So it’s the first flight journey for them.
At 17:40 was the departure and we landed at 19:45 in Malta. It was very exiting. Our teamleader picked us up with the van and brought us to our family. It was a bit difficult to find all our familys. We were tired and would only go to sleep.
We met the other students at the LAL school at 9 o’ clock. We spoke a lot about our hostfamily and then found our classrooms and wrote a little test. After a big break, we returned in the classrooms and got our test back. They split us in two groups. We’ve got two lessons in wich we discuted about diffrent topics.

Annina, Gishanti, Natascha, Vahiny
Schulklasse bloggt von ihrer Sprachreise nach Malta

LAL Sprachreisen

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